Monday, August 1, 2011

Knock Your Socks off Green Beans

 OK this is another one of Mama Shute's creations. I love this dish- it's easy and amazing. Also, when I served it to WTC he noted "well this just smells like it will be good!" And this is coming from someone who is not a crazed nut lover either.

First: Dry toast about 1/4 walnuts. You know they are done when they start to become fragrant. Keep em' moving and watch them so that they don't burn- nastiness.

Set these aside. Using the same pan add a little EVOO and add your green beans. 
These are fresh and we bought them at the store- no produce box here today. To get them ready for the pan I just tear off their ends and keep them long. 

Saute these under tender- about 5-7 minutes. Don't cook too long or they'll become limp- and no one likes a limp bean. 

Once they have reached that point- add some blue cheese crumbles. The amount you add is up to you. The cheese does melt and this is a pretty potent cheese so this is largely up to your own taste buds. 

 The cheese will start to melt- stir the beans to coat and add back in your walnuts.



Here we have nurse Sir Rupert on alert. Notice that even when I take sick days I am still doing work. Can't stop. Won't stop. Actually this is false, it's more like: Can't stop. Because I would collapse under my ever expanding workload. Not as awesome of a phrase. (Note: I actually get more done AT home than I do at my desk- minus the whole seeing patient part).

Happy Monday every one!

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